A question please


New Member
Hi I signed up to ask only one question of people who would definitely know.
I would like to get a Clown Fish. Now I know that they are salt water fish, but my aunt had one for almost 2 years in a fresh water tank, before an unfortunate accident, that killed all of her fish.
I was told when I called the pet store that I was crazy and it must have been a goldfish. Now I know almost nothing about fish, but even I can tell the difference between a clownfish and a goldfish.
It was orange with white stripes, and did funny little swimming dances. It was silly and engaging, and I could watch it for ever.
Anyway am I crazy - Can a Clown fish live in the fresh water tank that I already have or should I get a goldfish?
Please don't think I am dumb, I want to be sure before I make a poor little fish change it's way of life - and I am sure that you would be able to tell me.


Clownfish are saltwater. Maybe there is a species of fish like a clownfish that is freshwater. There is a clownfish, also called squeeker that is native to Africa and is freshwater, but it is brown with spots and looks more like a catfish than a clownfish.


New Member
thanks for responding - I have actually ordered a kit to convert my own tank to saltwater. I can't wait to get my clownfish! But after I get the kit, and get the tank set up, I am going to leave it running for about 2 weeks to get used to taking care of it before I get him.
So now I want to ask if he will be happy alone, or should I get another fish as well? and what kind goes well?


Active Member
Twizzler--you may want to do a search on this board for 'tank cycling' before you go out and purchase a clown.


Hello and welcome to the boards! If I were you I would read up a little on cycling your tank by using the search feature. As far as the clown question, you might consider getting a pair. They can be quite comical when paired up. Good luck, this hobby is a lot of work but it is also very rewarding.