A Quick Opinion


New Member
Maybe someone can give me there opinion on what the best water test kits are on the market for accuracy.


Active Member
I like Salifert too; but I've gradually switched toSeaChem. They are less expensive and IMO & IME, just as accurate. They also have great tech support if something just doesn't look right. In fact, I like all their products.


I recommend two different brands of "good" test kits. That way you can compare results and ensure a good outcome. Avoid cheap test kits, as they tend to be less accurate. Even by just looking at the instructions and ranges on result sheets, you can get a pretty good idea of how accurate they are. Salifert and seachem are pretty good, but in all honesty, if you don't have a reef, it would be too much time and money to invest. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals isn't very good. If you have a Fish only tank and are on a budget, I think hagen is a pretty good choice. But nothing IMO beats Salifert.


Active Member
Originally Posted by keith burn
Try your lfs most will test water free...
LFS often use cheap test strips.
Water test kits, within easy access at home, are essential to keeping a healthy aquarium imho.
I like Salifert.