a quick question


Active Member
i have a question for those of you who have been in the field a lot longer than me, since i havent even gotten started, but, here goes, i am wanting to build a tank that is roughly 3 feed wide, 12 feet long, and between 3 and 4 feet tall, i think im going to go either fish only, or live rock, as a reef system, especially forme being a total beginner is just way to much work, but anyway, can any of you tell me roughly how many gallons a tank that size will hold? thanks, and any other help any of you experts could give would be much appreciated
now, this tank is one i plan on having built, or building, several years in the future, when me and my gf are married and have our own place lol. for starting out, we are going to do probably a 75-80 gallon tank, preferably a long tank, but still, fish only, with live rock. so if anyone has any advice, or lives in the vancouver wa area, and can recommend a good place to go to to do all the research and everything else, please let us know, thanks


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i have a question for those of you who have been in the field a lot longer than me, since i havent even gotten started, but, here goes, i am wanting to build a tank that is roughly 3 feed wide, 12 feet long, and between 3 and 4 feet tall, i think im going to go either fish only, or live rock, as a reef system, especially forme being a total beginner is just way to much work, but anyway, can any of you tell me roughly how many gallons a tank that size will hold? thanks, and any other help any of you experts could give would be much appreciated

Aproximately 800 gallons at 3' high, and aprox 1,000 gallons at 4' high. Alot of work involved and I hope your wallet is alot bigger than mine


Active Member
this is something on me an my gf's wishlist for 10-15 years down the road lol, we actually talked about it just a few minutes ago, and decided to make it an L shape tank, 12 long, 4 wide, 4 high, with a 6 foot leg on the L lol its gonna be friggin huge, we both know that, and expensive as hell LOL but, we have fallen in love with salt water fish, and i really want to keep some sharks, so we're gonna partition off part of the tank, and fix it so it looks like the fish are swimmng with the sharks, even though they arent :p. and thanks man, i suck at figuring mathematical stuff out like that, and am still very new in the business of saltwater tanks, which is why we wanna start out real small, like i said, 75-80 gallons is what weve both been told is the best size to start out with, so thats what we are going to do when we get our own place, so we dont have to worry about moving it LOL


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
this is something on me an my gf's wishlist for 10-15 years down the road lol, we actually talked about it just a few minutes ago, and decided to make it an L shape tank, 12 long, 4 wide, 4 high, with a 6 foot leg on the L lol its gonna be friggin huge, we both know that, and expensive as hell LOL but, we have fallen in love with salt water fish, and i really want to keep some sharks, so we're gonna partition off part of the tank, and fix it so it looks like the fish are swimmng with the sharks, even though they arent :p. and thanks man, i suck at figuring mathematical stuff out like that, and am still very new in the business of saltwater tanks, which is why we wanna start out real small, like i said, 75-80 gallons is what weve both been told is the best size to start out with, so thats what we are going to do when we get our own place, so we dont have to worry about moving it LOL
If you want sharks I would figure a round tank...not rectangular...they are constantly on the move, and this eases their movement. I realize atm you are merely speaking hypothetically, but just my .02.


Active Member
thanks man, i really appreciate the info, like i said, we're both really new to all this, havent even gotten our tank yet, just researching everything and so on and so forth. so instead of squaring off the corner and what not, you'd recommend rounding everything off? so its a lot easier for them to swim around and stuff, right?


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
thanks man, i really appreciate the info, like i said, we're both really new to all this, havent even gotten our tank yet, just researching everything and so on and so forth. so instead of squaring off the corner and what not, you'd recommend rounding everything off? so its a lot easier for them to swim around and stuff, right?
Right...even in a tank that size...depending on the size of your shark, it may become difficult or an irritant if the have to essentially pivot to turn back around. And if it is round it more than likely appears larger to them as there is no stopping point...round and round they go...ignorance is bliss.


Active Member
awesome man, thanks for all the info, ive been reading over stuff on this forum and am in love LOL this place rocks when it comes to info and such. now what kinda fish would u recommend getting, and take in mind im very very reluctant to do a reef tank, im thinking more fish only with live rock, and rock formations. and this is for our starter tank, the 75-80 gallon tank, and about how many fish would u think we could fit in a tank that size?


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
how many fish would u think we could fit in a tank that size?
Too many variables to easily answer a question like this. It all depends on the adult size of the fish, the biowaste they create, what kind of filtration you have, compatibility...goes on and on...be easier to answer if you can list just a couple of fish you are interested in.
I have quite a few tanks going, but I am just starting a new 75 gallon to put my suddenly aggressive porcupine puffer in...this is not an ideal situation, but the best one I have at the moment. Keeping the water in check is ultimately going to be a problem as the porcupine will most likely outgrow this tank, and they produce alot of waste. These are some of the things you are going to have to consider.


Active Member
i think what we ultimately want for our first tank, and for all of our eventual tanks really and trully, is a community tank with schooling fish. with that thought in mind, what kinda species would any of you guys on here recommend, and the kinda numbers id have to put in of each species, cause i dont wanna put in single fish, id rather do small, 3-6 fish at a time, schools


Originally Posted by mboswell1982
i think what we ultimately want for our first tank, and for all of our eventual tanks really and trully, is a community tank with schooling fish. with that thought in mind, what kinda species would any of you guys on here recommend, and the kinda numbers id have to put in of each species, cause i dont wanna put in single fish, id rather do small, 3-6 fish at a time, schools
This is veering from my expertise (the little I have) as I collect mostly agressives. I have read alot of reefers like green chromis and cardinal fish for schooling...either the bangai or pajama. These are the only two smaller fish I can think of atm that reefers use for schooling, but I am sure someone else can chime in with more ideas. As far as numbers...neither of these create much bio as far as I understand, thus I would think you could keep at least 5 or 6 without any problems...sometimes numbers can make a difference, such as, if I remember right with yellow tangs 2 or 3 will fight with one another, but if you keep more than that, they can get along. Do not put a school of yellow tangs in a 75
. Just using that as a reference. I also would not think you would be limited to just these...meaning I think you could do 4 or 5 cardinals and still be able to throw in a clown and maybe a toby puffer for instance.


Active Member
sweet, thanks man, you've been a big help, now if i can only get some more peeps to chime in, especially anybody from the vancouver, wa area who knows of an awesome* salt water place to go to lol


Good luck, welcome to the boards, and ask tons of ??'s. Research everything first there is a ton of info on this site. I wish I had found this place years ago.


Active Member
Originally Posted by usirchchris
Like the enthusiasm...try to tone the language down...I am not preaching, I could care less, but this site prides itself on being family friendly. Just a heads up
thanks man, i edited the post lol