A Rare Find...Minous trachycephalus



We picked up a rare stingfish recently...Minous trachycephalus (striped stingfish). It hails from the Western Pacific, and maxes out at about 4.5" or so. It is a stingfish, and as such belongs to the stonefish family (Synanceiidae).
It has been eating live ghosties, but last PM, it took a freshly-killed ghostie from a stealth stick, so hopefully, it will continue down the "becoming weaned" path.
Like the Choridactylus and Inimicus
stingfishes, the anterior pectoral rays have evolved into dactlys
or fingers that can be used for locomotion and lunging at prey. Our specimen seems to lack "flash patterns" on the axial surfaces of its pectorals, but they are a nice rusty-red color.
Without further ado...


Hiyas Joe!
I hope all is going well with you!
I found it on DD and snatched it up really fast.
I believe we have an Iracundis signifer (decoy scorpionfish) on the way from Hawaii this week as well. It's a scorp with a "lure", which is simply an elongated 4th dorsal spine with a little "knob" on the end...cool stuff!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by saxman http:///t/393187/a-rare-find-minous-trachycephalus#post_3496084
Hiyas Joe!
I hope all is going well with you!
I found it on DD and snatched it up really fast.
I believe we have an Iracundis signifer (decoy scorpionfish) on the way from Hawaii this week as well. It's a scorp with a "lure", which is simply an elongated 4th dorsal spine with a little "knob" on the end...cool stuff!
Wow sounds great can’t wait for pics as is well known I am somewhat an expert on having little knobs or is that nubs


Active Member
Greg, when you say rare, rare as in not a lot in the oceans or just not collected as much, great fish for its size.


More like "rare to find in the hobby" as opposed to "rare in the ocean". I've only ever seen one other Minous offered, which we also bought, it was a dwarf species (M. pusillus), however, it was SUPER tiny and altho it ate, it never really thrived for us.
This fish has a pretty good-sized mouth for its size, so if you ever plan on one, be aware of that. Fortunately, the fish stays pretty small.


LOVE IT!! saw it on DD when I got the early email! very awesome! What a happy home it has with you all...