A riddle of an invert


What floats on the surface of the low flow fuge, is about 1 cm x 0.5 cm rectangle, pulses to swim (like a jellyfish, but it swam downward), when it gets on the rock it moves like a very fast slug. Oh and i touched it (dumb bass me) and it kinda tingled. I know some of my live rock gives me a tickle if i move it, but this was something that made me jerk my finger away.
I don't think it can fit through the impeller into the DT, and i dont see it having the ability to swim against the flow in the U tube to swim against the current into the DT.
I'm more or less just wondering what is this thing. I though it was a dead slug, but slugs dont sting or pulse :)


well it looked like a slug, brown not grey, it was rectangular, and like i said it pulsed when touched, almost like it were a jellyfish, and then it acted like a slug on the rock. it was about the size of a pinky nail like 5mm x 10 mm not round but very rectangular.
Thanks again


Active Member
Sea hare? o_O I saw one in the wild and it kinda did that, but didn't sting when I picked it up. I don't even know if they can or have been kept in captivity, but that's what your description sounds like to me.

shrimpy brains

Flatworm?? Lots of people keep sea hares. I've never seen mine swim.