A thought on the 12 Nanocube


I have one of these and am thinking about doing a small reef. Has anyone thought of removing the sponges in the first chamber and adding macro algae and LR rubble in the second chamber where the ceramic rings are? Would it act kind of like a mini fuge? Probably a bad idea but I thought I'd shoot it by some of you that have some experience with these. What kind of corals would work in one of these if the lighting was upgraded? Thanks....


I've removed the sponges in the back. It currently has LR and Macro algae. There are plenty of corals you can put in (depending on your lighting upgrade). :D Mine has been up for about a year now and has grown noticably, to (IMO) an awesome desktop reef tank.


Thanks for the reply. It would be really helpful if you could tell me about your lighting and the best way to upgrade one of these.


My husband just upgraded the lights on mine so now it has the stock 24 and a retrofit 32 for 56 watts total. If you search reefcentral.com, there are a couple of step-by-step threads on upgrading. My nano is still cycling but the light difference with the new lights is amazing.


New Member
I took out all the filter media and just have live rock rubble in the back. I am thinking of adding some macro back there, i'm gonna try to figure out how to rig a light over that area first. Probably a 13 watt PC. As for upgrading the main lights, a lot of people like the 32 watt CSL smartlight retro. I have one on order for mine. 13 W PC's, or a second 24 watt PC would also fit.


Hey Innsmouth
As to your question about the kind of coral you can keep in a NanoCube....check out the pics and lists of inhabitants I have in mine at the thread My NanoCube. Hope that helps.