A tour of my tank


Hey bud!
Incredible shots. great clarity
thanks for sharing.
now im even more jealous!
keep it up :joy: :joy: :joy:


it was the original rebel digital 6.3 mp flashed with upgraded firmware to make have all the features of the 10d


Active Member
awesome tank.
if the sfe is in the same tank as the clowns we can say that one morning when you check on your fish you will say "hey where's my clownfish"

bob a.

Originally Posted by 00nothing
A friend came over and let me use his rebel dig for about 30 mins tonight so i grabbed as many pics as possible and heres the the ones i liked most
click here for pics
Very nice. Can you post some specifics like size, filtration, lighting, age? I think it would help folks that are just starting out to see what it takes to have a nice display tank like yours.
Not sure if you know about this, but if you want to display the images directly in the post, you can click on the picture icon and copy the public URL directly into the message.