A unique fish for 10 gallon nano


My 10 gallon nano has been cycled (some of my reef tanks water was added) temp is a perfect 80-84 no nitrate and etc on parmeters
What would be a nice add that will be fine with the small space and is on the more uncommon owned said:
my example of fish not to be name are:
common blennies
pygmy angels
and etc
i have four ideas:
peacok shrimp (i know its not a fish)
barnacles blennies (trio)
dwarf lion?
Thank you for help, and if needed i have extra lighting to maintain soft and hard corals.


Active Member
Unless u plan on an upgrade later, peacock mantis, angler, dwarf lionfish will out grow the 10g. Maybe u can get a smaller type of mantis like a N. Wennerea.(might of spelled it wrong.) or u can get a waspfish.


theirs a pic of the tank i would upgrade too, i nko it looks bad but trust me its my old tank i use to use before it starting collecting dust in my basement


Are Banggai Cardnals even fun to watch? I know i have 2 pajama cardnals and all they do is float in one spot all days until feeding time.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Well I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. In a small tank I like a fish that is not that mobile.


that is a pretty fish dont get me wrong, but he seems more suited for a community tank. I was thinking more less the agressive fish such as anglers


Active Member
if u do plan on upgrading u can get a small angler. A painted or wartskin angler would be perfect. I have a 2" red painted angler in a 10g. Soon to be in a 34g salona.


Histrio histrio- Sarrgasum
Antennarius maculatus- Wartskin
Antennarius striatus- Striated
are they also suitible? Its i love the painted angler but cant find it for sale, only these


Active Member
Sargassum and straited get huge. They will need a tank of about 100g when adult size. Wartskin and painted stay small about 4-6 in. Give or take a few


Lol, all of the nice looking fish get too big, ok thanks i guess a wartskin is what im getting.
You will see another thread in about a month on mantinence lol.


Active Member
What are your plans for filtration gonna be for that 10gal? A 3"+ wartskin is going to put one heck of load on 10 gallons of water during feedings...


I had thought of the large bioload created by the angler, that is why i had created a pump
And just to let you people know that i WILL UPGRADE TO A 30 or 45 Gallon Hex later on, right now i just would like to raise it to show size