A Very Sweet Deal


Get this...one of my dad's friends owns a 400g marine with plenty of LR and such...and he's giving it away, free. My dad, however, says that we can't have such a big tank...but we could take anything we want, really (LR, LS, fish, equipment). My question is: with stuff taken directly from a very established tank with only about a 20 minute trip in between their and my tank, what would the cycle be like?
Thanks :happyfish


if you can keep it submerged like the rock and sand then no time will really need. But the reason I say submerged is if he has any sponges of things in the same family they can not take air in most cases. And could be a great addition to you if you want them and can help out greatly in bio-diversity for your system.
But WOW what a find.


Thanks :)
I dunno...I haven't seen his tank yet, but from what I hear, it's quite good. But what a dream it would have been owning a free 400g