A Week old Aquairum/ What fish?


Hey, ok well, I've had my 60gallons saltwater fish aqaurim for a week already, I have live sand and live rocks, I had 3 damselfish and a purple/pink Pseudochromis dottyback, yesterday I went to a fish store and had a water check and everything was PERFECT!!!!
So they told me to get rid of my damselfish cause there really aggressive which they were, so last night I did and I also bought 2 baby/small blue tanks, and a blenny.

Beauty Coral Angel
Yellow Tang
2 ClownFish (the girl orangey ones)
Butterfly (I forgot whcih kind...)

So I wanted to know, when would you recommand me buying them or putting them in???
I'm dying to get them already, espeially the Beauty Coral Angel!!!
If you think I'm choosing bad fish, please let me know and tell me what you think I should get and when?


They are going to get on you here, but I will tell you that the blue tangs will grow fast and they will get aggressive when they feels closed in. I would not add the yellow tang. You will have alot more success with smaller fish that will add life and color to your tank.


Active Member
wow is your tank even cycled? Also 2 blue hippo tangs in that size tank is not good. even one isnt recommened in it. also i wouldnt get a star fish for atleast a year. your tank is so new it will end up starving. Also adding all those fish in a 60 gallon is alot on your bio load. I would say get rid of atleast one if not both of the hippo tangs. Get the clowns, and then wait a while just dont jump at getting stuff do some research on them because you will be better of doing it now then wasting your money


Ya I kinda heard he was a bad idea, or I read he was a bad idea, but you know what, I've gone into many stores and they have the blue and yellow tangs together.
How fast would they get big? (blue tang)
It just seems like a big empty aquarium right now...


Ya, your right.
My tangs are like maybe an inch or smaller, and they guy at the store said that there school blue tanks, and that I should at least buy 3 at a time, and I was like for now I'll only get 2.


I would hold on cause you are going to blasted.

I recognize that you don't know any better, you should start reading before you buy anything else. You should also put some thick skin on, you've already made some serious mistakes.
Your best bet is to take the tangs back to the store for store credit, do some reading, and let your tank fully cycle. I know you want to rush into the store and immediatly make your tank look like the stores, but this isn't fresh water. A saltwater tank generally goes through many cycles this entire process can take months and a well established tank is what most of those fish you want need.


They school in really large tanks or in the wild, but not in a 60 gallon. I have one in my 75 that I bought 2 years ago. It was 2" when I bought it and now it's around 6 to 7 inches, also it's a real thick fish. I can't add anything to my tank. She kills whatever I put in. I know I need to upgrade (which I plan on real soon) in order to keep her happy. I do have other fish, but I can't add anymore. She goes nuts.


wow thats pretty crazy!!!! I had no idea, even though I read alot about them, I'm so shocked. How many fish do you have all together?


well the problem is, is that I read alot but when I go to the stores different people tell you different things, and almost every store I went to I saw a bunch of blue and yellow tangs together! like 40 in one tank and the people at the store told me to buy 3 orginally.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rhomer
I would hold on cause you are going to blasted.

I recognize that you don't know any better, you should start reading before you buy anything else. You should also put some thick skin on, you've already made some serious mistakes.
Your best bet is to take the tangs back to the store for store credit, do some reading, and let your tank fully cycle. I know you want to rush into the store and immediatly make your tank look like the stores, but this isn't fresh water. A saltwater tank generally goes through many cycles this entire process can take months and a well established tank is what most of those fish you want need.



Originally Posted by theonlyKC
well the problem is, is that I read alot but when I go to the stores different people tell you different things, and almost every store I went to I saw a bunch of blue and yellow tangs together! like 40 in one tank and the people at the store told me to buy 3 orginally.

This is an excellant point. You need to decide before you go to the store what you want, and don't change your mind. If they don't have what you want don't just buy something. This is how I got into a lot of trouble with my first tank (20). The clerks at the store are going to do what they can to make you feel better about the decision to buy a fish. You should just tune them out like white noise.
If you see something that you really like, they will carry it again. Go home and read up on that fish or coral or invert. Then make up your mind. This will save the lives of many fish and will keep your wallet much fatter.


Active Member
First of all I wouldnt be putting anything in my tank if it was only a week old , theres to high of the probability that it hasnt finished cycling yet ..... what do you mean by perfect ... because it could deffinatly go through another cycle .... ESPECIALLY if you add a large bio load ... there hasnt been enough time to build up enough beneficial bacteria ..... the tangs people will argue ..... 1 could be fine in a 65 G I have a yellow in my 55 and he is doing great ... but 2 is not going to work at all ... not to mention they will be aggresive with each other ..... but most importantly i would wait awhile before i add anything general rukle is about a month ........ I know your excited and want to get stuff in your tank but your gonna waste your money and kill the fish if you add them


Like me, you will listen to the people who tell you that you can put 3 tangs and everything else you want into your tank.
Like me, you will end up with a tank full of dead fish. Seriously. Listen to the people telling you to take it slooooooow. You will save yourself a lot of grief and money.
Of course, if you're like me, you won't listen.


The best part about this board and others that I have visited is there is no motivation to selling you 3 tangs. When you go to a LFS they want a sale and will tell a novice anything. I had it happen to me when I started and it will happen again. The best thing in this hobby patience. There is no rush to stock a tank. You will have much greater success taking it slowly.


Active Member
I am extremely concerned that you will have 2 dead blue tangs...and any other fish.
PATIENCE is key in this hobby, and I am afraid right now I do not see that.
What are your specific water parameters?
Always have them - NEVER rely on the store to tell you if your water is fine, as they are trying to SELL you fish. And they sold you two TOTALLY inappropriate fish for that tank size and age. Clearly, they should not be trusted. PLEASE do not buy any more fish.
Neither the tangs, nor the angel are suitable for a tank that is so young. A butterfly and other tangs may not be suitable for your tank for a long while. A seastar, also, is something that requires a VERY mature tank.
I would strongly encourage you to slow down, buy some test kits, let the tank mature...and READ. Otherwise, I promise you, you will lose fish and lose money. The number of people who CONTINUE in this hobby is much smaller than those who start in it. That is why you can often pick up very cheap used tanks.
Please SLOW DOWN!!!!


Active Member
Also buy a good book like Michael's "Pocket Guide to Marine Fish". It gives a good, brief explanation of what tank size a fish needs, compatability, etc.
No idea where you have been reading alreay about Tangs, but you need to throw that literature away. I've got a SMALL Purple Tang in my 210. He bullies everything in the tank. No way should you put multiple Tangs in a small tank....


Don't feel bad. We've all been there before, but those fish are most likely going to die if you dont bring them back soon. The key to this hobby is to go slow, read, find a trustworthy fish store, and test your own water.