Aagh! Hitchiker ID please!


I REALLY need to get that digicam fixed:mad:
ok - it looks like a flatworm - White base with brown mottled patchwork coloration. I'll do a search now underflatworms, and maybe I'll try to get a pick with my webcam...
I caught it - thinking about dropping it into the sump...
is definealy a flatworm - cant id species yet...
What do I do with it? Is it harmful?


Active Member
Does it look like this? Ignore the colors they come in red, orange, yellow, brown and green. These colors will be mixed in varius amounts in varius patterns, but the shape is usually pretty much the same.

If it does they are red flat worms, a pest.


nope, much bigger, single specimin - much longer, slightly more arrow shaped. its defineatley a flatworm, but I'm still not sure if its harmful. It seems the snail I thought it was eating is ok today (well, on its back, but alive)
I have a picture, but Im having trouble attaching ithe image. WIll have to try again this evening after work.


Active Member
They were pretty thin maybe 2-3mm thick and they weren't mine(knock on wood) I haven't gotten them yet.