aaragamax sand


I recentley broke down my 75 fresh and made it a salt. I put in 150# of aragamax sand , witch is aragonite sand. Do I need to put a bag of live sand in with it to make it functional or what. I have been doing some reading on this web site and it is a little hazzy what to do . Do I allready have live sand with what I put in?

nm reef

Active Member
The "live" part of live sand is basically just the bacteria that consumes ammonia/nitrites and converts them to nitrates...most aragonite based sands are not live so yes you'd need to seed it with some LS...I like the Natures Ocean LS myself. Also you can seed a new sand bed with quality LR but it will take some time and you can get some established LS from either a LFS or a fellow reefer. In time any of the methods mentioned will seed a newly established sand bed.:cool:


will this white cloud ever go away? If so will the fish stir it up. I did alot of research and it said dont skimp on sand so I got good quality sand and it is fine. I am getting nervous I just spent 100 on sand.


Please anybody. I have a white cloud. Do I need to put coral over it so it doesnt constantly stir? I would think fish would stir this "Great Stuff" up. What do I do?


it'll be fine. don't worry. The sand will settle....it may take 7+ days to but it will.
Good going buying the good sand. now...do you plan on getting some Live Rock?
don't get a tomato clown if you don't want to stir up the sand. Mine did that a lot. kinda aggravating. Not sure what other fish do that, but I wouldn't worry too much.


Cool thanks for replying. Yes I read that if I put the live rock in when the temp salinity and ph were good it would start to build a film and not be soooo easily clouded. If you or anyone else has any experience with fine sand let me know. Oh should I be running my filter or just leave everything off? I added 35# of LR today so I am praying it settles. Thanks