Aaron's 499 Talladega


What did everyone think of the Arron's 499 Sunday??? I think NASCAR should NOT end races under yellow, what do you think???


I found this at NASCAR's site.
TALLADEGA, Ala. -- The grandstand capacity of Talladega Superspeedway is listed at 143,000. Depending on whom you ask, about 120,000 of those are Dale Earnhardt Jr. fans.
And most of those were hopping mad when a couple of NASCAR decisions didn't go their way. First, NASCAR ruled that Jeff Gordon was ahead of Earnhardt Jr. when a caution came out while the two were battling for the lead.
Jeff Gordon was pelted with trash on the way to victory lane. Credit: AP
The caution froze the field, which put Gordon in the lead. And with four laps to go, NASCAR does not display the red flag, not does the sanctioning body allow one lap of green flag racing.
Thus, Gordon won the race, and Earnhardt Jr. never got another chance to win under green.
The result? A shower of beer cans littered the track in the final two laps, and boos rained down from the grandstands.
"I guess you could look at it as a form of expression," Earnhardt Jr. said. "We can only speculate why they did that, but I'm sure each little beer can had its own message to it. Luckily it wasn't seat cushions (which fans threw on the track at Daytona in 2002). Those (cushions) are a lot harder for your car to climb over.
"And if you noticed, there wasn't anyone throwing their Budweiser away. All I saw was Coors. What's that tell you? I guess those last few swallows of a Coors really ain't that good."
While Earnhardt Jr. joked about it, other drivers weren't happy.
"It was kind of disappointing," Kevin Harvick said. "The tape is what it is. If it's wrong, they'll go back and fix it. It's kind of selfish on the fans part. I love them to death, but you've got to play by the rules and you've got to do what's right. There's no calling a foul ball fair. If the tape shows that, then it is.
"They say right in the drivers' meeting what the lap number when we don't go to red. That's what it is."
Rookie Brendan Gaughan was just as vocal.
"Junior fans need to learn how to take it easy," Gaughan said. "They did a little extra damage to these racecars that we didn't need to do. I saw a bunch of beer cans, bunch of Pepsi cans laying out there.
"There are certain things that we have to do in this sport. In the drivers' meeting, they layed it out: 183 and we don't red flag it. If they could have got it green they could have, but when the fans started throwing stuff on the racetrack, there went any shot of a restart."
Gaughan's teammate, Ryan Newman, said it was "pretty embarrassing" for NASCAR when fans throw things on the track before the race was over.
"I guess it was all those Dale Earnhardt Jr. fans," Newman said.
NASCAR vice president Jim Hunter said the fans who threw cans on the track were "in a small minority."
"And actually, they were showing their disgust to the wrong people, to the drivers who had raced their cans off all day," Hunter said. "It's not the drivers' decision; it's NASCAR's decision. And I think a little bit of that might have been Earnhardt fans being frustrated."
Robby Gordon, who finished fifth, said the fans deserved a green-flag finish.
"I saw Jeff get hit with a bunch of (cans)," Gordon said. "How can I say it politically correct? There's no reason this race couldn't have gone back green.
"I think you would've definitely seen a different result in Victory Lane. I don't know if we would've won or Junior would've won or Kevin Harvick or Jimmie Johnson, but it would've been a whale of a finish. That's what these fans pay to see."
But the finish would have been too wild for NASCAR's liking.
"Here and Daytona, we're not going to run a one-lap shootout just because of safety," Hunter said. "We feel like here and Daytona, those just aren't places to do that."
Clearly, some fans disagreed Sunday.


i love beer and i love tailgate parties but this is just one sport i cannot get into. not when there's other sports like ultimate fighting, supercross, and snowboarding.
watching cars going in circles kinda loses it's fun after the 5th lap or so. now what they need to do is have jumps on the track so the cars can launch. that and flamethrowers.
flamethrowers that randomly throw flames at the cars so it keeps everyone on the edge. then to REALLY make it fun, they should divide the competitors into 2. one group goes one direction, the other group goes the opposite. now we got flame dodging, car dodging, airborne chaos.


instead of having pit crews near the side of the track, they should have mimes. this way if somebody screws up then there's a good chance that we get to see a mime get plowed over.
now let's fire that stupid announcer. replace him with a drunken ozzy. instead of having concession stands we can just have a giant fire pit. and once you pay for your meat (that's all that will be served) then you just hold it over the flames. with yer bare hands.
finally, instead of making people pay for beer, we just triple the ticket price and give the fans unlimited beer. this assures us that all the non-beer drinkers don't come. it also assures us that the fans will be TWICE as rowdy.



Originally posted by Purity
watching cars going in circles kinda loses it's fun after the 5th lap or so.

No offense to anyone here, but NASCAR has always struck me as a redneck sport.
But then again, I don't really like any sports in the first place. Except football. I can't stand watching football on tv, but I LOVE playing tag football. Volleyball is fun too.



Originally posted by KittyKitty
No offense to anyone here, but NASCAR has always struck me as a redneck sport.

None Athletic Sport Centered Around Redneck's (NASCAR) :D


now let's add some scantilly clad go-go dancers BUT we'll have the go-go cages being suspended by bungee cords hung by helicopters. the helicopters will fly in circles while the girls try to dance.
mayyyybe we could even have the cages dodging the racecars when they get airborne!



Originally posted by Purity
now let's add some scantilly clad go-go dancers BUT we'll have the go-go cages being suspended by bungee cords hung by helicopters. the helicopters will fly in circles while the girls try to dance.
mayyyybe we could even have the cages dodging the racecars when they get airborne!



we'll keep the name but change the meaning.
Scurrying of
Cars in
and then we go public. for every $300 ticket that we sell we also offer our fans an additional $50 to add to the ticket that will go to stock options.


Active Member
what about formula one and lemans? Those are actually interesting and the cars are cool looking....
Now i would never say, Wow i have to TIVO the formula one race coming up!
Nascar is an alcoholics sport. It started during prohibition when bootleggers would get their cars together to see whose was fastest for transporting alkeehol


Active Member
but what IS fun is getting drunk at a REAL redneck race. that's right, dirt track in southwest VA. I was camping in the area, decided to drive over on a friday night, man what a bunch of rednecks, it was the greatest night.


Wow you guys and girls are brutal, I'll agree watching a race on TV is like watching golf, tennis, baseball, or any other none contact sport. But when you go to a race there'nothing else like it.
Well I think football is gay, not that there's anything wrong with it being gay, but a bunch of grown men running around throwing themselve into each other then getting up and smacking each other on the az? Come on, they start out all bent over and one guy has his hands between another mans legs and they don't wear underwear???:D


I watched. It didn't look to me like they need to have so many caution laps for the Vickers wreck. I guess it all depends on when the fans started throwing crap at Gordon. Bunch of morons.
For you people that don't like to watch, go to one live. You'll be hooked.


Yeah, football IS gay. I'm talking about good old high school gym class tag-football. You know the kind you play with your friends out in the middle of the street when you were like 10 years old?


I went to my first NASCAR race a couple weeks ago at the Texas Motor Speedway. I have never been a fan or ever even watched more that the re-plays of various wrecks, but I must admit the first time the cars come by and the ground is shaking its pretty cool, however about 200 laps later you’re like is this ever going to end. Then when it comes down to the last few laps and everyone is trying to make there move it's pretty cool. It's ok in my opinion.
I've been to Richmond twice.
J. Gordon is my favorit driver and I must say that I was very disapointed in the way the Talladega race ended. I would have rather seen Dale jr finish under green than to see Gordon finish under the Yellow.


Active Member
I watch NASCAR every now and then and I'm definitely a Dale Jr. fan. It does not surprise me to see that many morons getting each other pumped up into a frenzy and throwing crap on the track. Damn wonder someone didn't jump of the back of the stands and about 50 others follow him over like a damn lemming.
I know not everyone fits that description that is the stereotipical NASCAR fan, but did you get a look at the crowd when they were panning over them with the camera. It looked liked the waiting area for tryouts for "Deliverance 2".