Abandoned 55 (maybe later...) Going nano!


Hey there folks,
I've decided to abandon my idea of getting a 55 FOWLR because the fish I want need more room, so instead I'm going with a smaller nano size tank and going to do a microreef. Instead of buying a "kit tank" i'm going to do either a 29 or a 20H but more likely the 29.
I'm going to be building custom lights, but basically im putting in either PCs or T5HO two bulbs (blue light in 2 different wavelengths) and then for the "white" I'm working on a design that uses HID Xenon car headlamps. I know that sounds crazy, but I can put 140W in for $50 and they have the same spectrum and effect as MH lighting (actually they tehcnically are MH).
My main questions are what is a good skimmer for a 29 and do you think a 5 gallon sump/refugium be enough or should i get a 10 gallon? obviously more water in the system is best.
Also roughly how much live sand do i need? Im goign to do live sand first, then get live rock over the first month or so.
Then probably clowns, chromis, and once everything there is good ill figure out what works?
I'm sure a million more Q? will come up but that's a start :

aquapod 24

do you think you would ever sell one of those light fixtures?(currently looking for a cheap mh and/or t5 light fixture)


Well-Known Member

The light spectrum is different....with car headlights, the only thing you will grow well, will be algae. This would be a case of the cheap comes out expensive.
The ONLY real cost of a reef tank different than a fish only...are the lights. The lights and water current are the life of the reef
. Don't skimp on lighting and don't skimp on power heads. The rest you can fudge...fake homemade rock..base rock to seed later...dead sand mixed with live sand...frags to grow coral...people even use table salt...but never skimp on lights or try to get away with too few power heads.



Originally Posted by Flower

The light spectrum is different....with car headlights, the only thing you will grow well, will be algae. This would be a case of the cheap comes out expensive.
The ONLY real cost of a reef tank different than a fish only...are the lights. The lights and water current are the life of the reef
. Don't skimp on lighting and don't skimp on power heads. The rest you can fudge...fake homemade rock..base rock to seed later...dead sand mixed with live sand...frags to grow coral...people even use table salt...but never skimp on lights or try to get away with too few power heads.
Thanks for that I was looking at 10,000K lights which is the same color temp as the MH i've commonly seen, but i guess color temp and spectrum are different. I've got electrical experience, so maybe I can get a MH ballast and build one that's still cheaper than the commercial stuff


I've found a pet store with a 38 gallon (like a 55 but a foot shorter at 36 inches). I'm going to place an online order for live rock as my local fish store sells live rock from 8-12 bux per pound depending on the grade. I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on stock list. So far this is what I've got
Blue/green Chromis (small school maybe 4-5)
Pair of false P. clowns
probably do a shrimp goby with a shrimp
Flame angel
and eventually a mandarin, once i get enough pods, but I'll probably seed the tank with one of those packs they sell.
Hope that's not overstocking, as I'm sure I'll find more things I like as it goes on. The chromis may be replaced by some yellowtail blue damsels (I've read they are mostly peaceful).
I'm getting a 4 tube T5HO fixture still picking the brand, but I'm hoping to eventually buy some frags and watch them grow. Will a 4 tube open me up to most corals? How limited would I be if I got a 2 tube (with a 2 tube I could probably afford a better unit)
I'm planning on getting a *much* larger tank later but thats going to probably be a FOWLR as i'm hoping to get a 72" tank and those lights are costly :)

aquapod 24

i would only do 2 or 3 blue/green chromis
pair of clowns
goby shrimp pair
with the flame angle i think it would be overstocked and they are known to nip at coral
hold off on the mandarin untill your tank is mature and you have a refrigrium to breed pods in


chrisnif, if you have any pics of your 55 can you post them on this thread, im thinking of starting a 55 but im considered with the amount of space that there is for the aquascape.... any info on it would be geatly appreciated..


Originally Posted by AQUAPOD 24
i would only do 2 or 3 blue/green chromis
pair of clowns
goby shrimp pair
with the flame angle i think it would be overstocked and they are known to nip at coral
hold off on the mandarin untill your tank is mature and you have a refrigrium to breed pods in
If i drop the clowns, could i have the 2 yellow tail blue damsels, flame angel, the shrimp goby pairing and then maybe a basslet or a (small) wrass or something. There are just too many fish in the ocean :)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Chrisnif
If i drop the clowns, could i have the 2 yellow tail blue damsels, flame angel, the shrimp goby pairing and then maybe a basslet or a (small) wrass or something. There are just too many fish in the ocean :)

Damsels are the most returned fish in the hobbie. They are cheap, beautifull colors, lots of attitude. In a tank that small they will be very agresive. I would not put damsels in that same tank as the clowns. It is too small and they will fight. I don't think I would have just a pair either. IMO the chromis would get bullied as well.
Just my thoughts on the damsels.
I also don't think you would go to awfull wrong with the HID light fixture. Check out Aquatic Life light fixtures. It runs HIDs with T5HO for the blue supplement.