Abominable Snow Crab


New Member
Picked up a small piece of rock with zoos from lfs. One night a few weeks later, saw something white and fuzzy in a hole in the rock. After looking at some old posts, began to wonder if it was a crab, and lured him out with a piece of shrimp on a skewer.
He looks nasty, and I knew I needed to get him out of the tank, but he is my wife's favorite creature to date. So I set up a 20 gal tank that shares the sump with my 120 and put him and the rock in it. I don't have lights for the small tank, so I am going to get some other rock for him to hide in, and put my zoos back in the main tank.
From some angles (doesn't appear so in this picture) he looks alot like the abominable snow man in the Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Christmas special. Isn't he cool?


Active Member
Very predatory crab! My lfs has one in a 135 FOWLR display tank where he keeps larger fish for sale. I was there a few weeks back and while watching the tank saw this white claw dragging a large sand sifting starfish towards a crevice in the rock. Called the owner's attention to it. He tried to lure it out with a small goldfish. The crab latched on but would not show itself. The crab released the star though. Funny thing is he had this tank set up for 4 years and this particular piece of rock has been in there for most of that time, and he never knew the crab was there. Big sucker too. Must have come in pretty small and simply grown. Makes you wonder what's in YOUR tank!


Active Member
Its very cool - good thing for a little nano tank by itself. :yes: I wouldn't trust it with anything valuable, but it is almost cuddly! :D


wish I had some cool lil hitchikers I have this real cool lil area in my sump called the qt area with nothing to qt hehe


i got a wird shy crab that lives in my live rock in my 90 gal and it looks like a dunganous crab of the north, but it is fuzzy and very small about 1/2" across (i found a sheded shell) i see him when i feed my tank. Oh he came in with the live rock i bought so i have no idea to what he is.


Active Member
whatever type of crab it is i think it likes your zoos so cram his big butt in the refuge or take him to the lfs...my opinion.


Active Member
I am going with a teddybear. Looks like the one I saw at my LFS. I do not think he is reef safe....


Active Member
Originally Posted by rujelus22
SWF.com says it's reef safe
I have heard mixed reviews, from my LFS. I think it's like most of these things in our hobby. Sometimes it works and other times it does not. Some pepps eat aiptasia some do not.... :notsure:
Let him stay in the tank and see what happens. I am sure he will be on his best behavior if not, then yank.......