? about brown Scopas tang


New Member
Hello peeps!, I have a quick question. I have a brown scopas tang, when i got him he was colorful. I have noticed that he usually changes his color and he looks albino (white'ish) from time to time. Is this normal for a scopas tang??


Active Member
That's normal for tangs (and many fish) in general. Most tangs will have lesser color in the mornings or after dark and more when the lights are on. They also change colors when they're stressed or scared.


Originally Posted by m0nk
That's normal for tangs (and many fish) in general. Most tangs will have lesser color in the mornings or after dark and more when the lights are on. They also change colors when they're stressed or scared.
I totally agree. My yellow tang used to do that, and my unicorn tang does that. They usually bounce back into their vibrance a little while after the lights flick on. My unicorn is usually light brown on top, and white on the bottom with fluorescent blue dots all over, but when its stressed, it turns a dark brown with grey. This is nothing to worry about