About how many fish can you put in a 75?


As some of you may know we are getting our first tank on Tuesday.It is a 75 and will have live rock,but I don't know how much.I want quite abit but not just that.And in time I want coral's.So my question is about how many fish can I have?I know we are going to get a pair of goldstrip maroon clownfish.I like to plan ahead and I am just tryin to plan what I can have.
Also can seahores go with thing's like clown's/reef?

sinner's girl

it's not a matter of how many, but of which fish.
First, figure out what fish you want, then see if your tank can support them
Also can seahores go with thing's like clown's/reef?
Nope, seahorses need a seahorse only tank, and like smaller tanks. They are slow and don't do well most other fish (though I think there are a couple that they can be with....)
pair of clowns is fine...
do search, many, many people post about fish to put in a tank. just remember to go slow. figure out what fish you idealy want before adding any, do the research and add them in order.
also, remember, ls and lr takes away from water volume and swimming room, you have to keep that in mind. I go for a lighter bioload rather than heavy (easier to take care of and fewer problems).
For my 75gl, my goal was a pair of clown, midas blenny and Purple Pseudochromis. But I only kept 3 in my 55gl.
You have to think about the fish's max size and other things, I can't just tell you that you can have 7 fish, it would depend on the fish you wanted.
research the fish you want...

sinner's girl

I would have to go with lucky # 13. You can't answer that question.
which does NOT mean you can have 13 fish...just in case there was any confusion


Make your selection of fish BEFORE you buy. I would add the maroon clowns towards the end, they may by territorial and/or aggressive towards newer fish.


Active Member
If you plan on keeping seahorses then research " their " needs. Not many fish can be kept with them. Only peacefull non agressive feeders like some pipefish, gobies, Jawfish, dragonets, non-algae eating blennies, Firefish, assessors, cardinalfish, and the lined, fairy or flasher wrasses.
IMO, I would not keep clowns with them.
Need to be carefull with corals and currents with them also.


Active Member
What you can have depends completely on your filter system. Most systems average around 1 inch of fish per every 5 gallons of water. However this is not really a rule. Some fish are messier than others and some interact with the environment different... After a month you tank should finish cycling. Add one or two fish whenever the cycle ends and then wait a few weeks before you add any more. It will take time for your biological filter to adjust to the fish. When it does adjust to the new bioload, then you can add a couple more. Go VERY slowly. It takes time to build a tank. If you rush it you will kill them. Monitor your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate. Check your pH, alk, temp and specific gravity regularly. Keep an eye on your ammonia and nitrate(ite) levels to know when you are doing too much. If you are having a hard time keeping any of these 3 levels at 0 ppm, then you have either too many fish or something wrong with your filter system. That's the point at which you stop adding fish.
Each tank is individual and how many fish you can keep is entirely up to you. Just remember to be very patient.
Oh and I don't think you will be able to keep a seahorse in that tank. They are extremely bashful and if disturbed, they will not eat and will die quickly. They almost have to be kept by themselves.