? about Maracyn2



I have a 55gal with inverts and fish. I have some type of fungus that is causing what the LFS says is mouthrot. I lost a tang and a clown recently. Now my puffer has cloudy eyes and also looks like his mouth is swelling. I have been using Maracyn2 since yesterday. The LFS said to put 5 tablets in for 2 days. (So today was my second day). But reading the box says do it for 5. Which is right? Also - my Nitrates are reading 20 -30. Can I do a partial water change while using Maracyn2 or will it defeat the purpose?


With regards to the inverts:
If using meds like antibiotics then you must QT the fish. Antibiotics are not always safe for inverts. Some can kill the zooxanthellae that live within the tissues of photosynthetic animals. Not a good thing to use on crabs, snails, corals or your sand bed.
With regards to using the Marycin2 - The directions for use have been found to be different depending on what you are treating for. For instance you would double the dose for popeye, and do small water changes in between each dose. Not sure how this would apply to fungus.
from Terry
"" Use the Maracyn-Two at the double dose each and every day for 7 to 10 days if the infection appears to be internal, 5 to 7 days for external. A small water change before each dose is recommended because the organics in the water can inactivate the antibiotics""
Might want to check with Terry, Beth or Trojan before you continue.
I would not use meds like this in the main display, QT if at all possible.


Staff member
iluvfish, it would be better if you stuck to one thread on the same topic, otherwise it gets confusing and you are not going to get optium help.
I posted my opinion in your other thread. You have an anemone in that tank, and right now you need to get the antibiotics out of that tank, or find a new safe home for your anemone.
Thomas is right about killing zooxanthellae with antibiotics. It will absolutely kill it off in short order and inverts with zooxanthellae can not live wo it---including anemones.