? about my nurse shark

chris w

New Member
I have a nurse shark, which i have had for about 1 year now. The shark has a bubble on the tip of each of its Pelvic fins. I have no idea if it is a disease or a......? If any one knows of a better source that could help me, that could work to. I don’t know, but I am worried, so if any one has any suggestions, I would be very thankful.

chris w

New Member
Soon, there will be a pic. thanks and check back. Both bubbles are about a 1/4" diameter in size.


Active Member
I was wondering the same thing, I gotta wonder hwo big of a tank, woudl one have to want to keep a nurse shark in?
I have a lfs here that swears a 55 is big enough, but in reality, you need 1000s of gallons, some of them get 14 ft long and even the smaller species get 9(I believe).
That must be on humongous tank.

chris w

New Member
my nurse shark is still a pup about 13.5 in. I have him in a 300 g tank. Once he is a 18 in big i plan on moving him to a 500 g tank. He is the only fish in the tank w/few rocks. It has a sand floor, and good filtration. I have know idea what the bubbles are. He acts the same ( takes food by hand, plays, swims @ night, and lays there during the day.