About Porcurpine Puffer


I wanna get small Porky puffer for my 90 gallon..
I have some Small clowns.. and 3 Large Cleaner shirmp
in my tank... would he going to eat them??? did anyone
kept him with shirmps before???


i have a small puffer and a Coral Banded Shrimp. They have gotten into ummm "altercations" before but for the most the CBS stays out of the puffers way and the puffer stays out of the CBS way. In thier encounters the puffer may have gotten too close and the CBS lashes out at him and the puffer retaliates or tries to protect himself.
I am thinking of putting a dogface in my 75G reef... I do have peppermints.. (THAT I HATE) they try to eat everything!!So, if the dogface eats them..... (i know shoot me)
But I do have a LARGE coral banded that I LOVE! It was the first thing in my tank.... I am hoping the dogface doesnt eat him! BUT, I really want a DogFace Puffer.... I have a yelow tang and a tomato in there now..
Does ANyone see any problems here??
Thanking you kindly, Kim

melissa v.

This might sound like a stupid question, but i thought i heard someone say before that puffers would eat coral will they not?
thanks for your help
Melissa V.


Active Member
Porky and dogface puffers are some of my favorite fish and I have never heard of them eating coral. The only reason why they won't be reaf safe is because of the inverts in them. Oh, and by the way... if you buy a porky, at some point ur clownfish will be a very expensive and yet tasteful meal. Think about purchasing one carefully.


I think they bite on corals occassionally too. To keep their teeth done. Someone chime in if i'm wrong. I wouldn't keep them with coral in my opinion. Shrimp are not safe either. Too easy a snack in my opinion. I think a clown would fair well with the puffer for awhile. Just keep it well fed.


Active Member
puffers munch on corals? I have never heard of that before. Wow... yeah they go after invertebraes too, forgot to tell ya that.
The puffer will eat the shrimp. They are very hungery little guys. But they are so much fun. They have a great personality.
Sarah :)


Active Member
Puffers will nip ate rock, and if corals git in the way well they get nipped also. I've heard garf has a recipe to make a crunchy coating for the frozen foods you feed them. This is supposed to keep their grazing habits at a minimum. I would not put one in a reef tank If it was my reef though. I also would not trust them around shrimp.