About Rock Scrubbing


Help me with what it's about: I get little mentions of this but don't really know things:
With What?
How hard?
How Long in one place?
Entire top or sides too?
What happens to the coraline?
What happens to the algae?
What about the copods and Bristles?
Will I need to vaccum or fish eat?
Why aren't there some coral icons instead of 1 fish and a bunch of heads?
Why Why Why


Active Member
I'm going to assume you are talking about scrubbing to get rid of hair or briopsis algae. Take the rock out of your system and scrub it in a bucket that has some tank water in it until you have removed all undesireable algae. Coraline will stay on your rock, it's hard enough it would have to be scraped off. I use a toothbrush, it's worked for me.


Thanks but as far as I know there are no porblems. One thing I read was about dispursing spores. Is that a good thing or to get rid of them? Currently I have coraline and some brown/green algae growth.


I think what you are talking about is spore scrubbing. Basically, the idea is to scrup coraline spores with a firm wire brush(not a tooth brush). This will release the spores into your water, and with a good water flow through your tank, you will spread coraline to other rocks in the tank.
This isnt necessary, but if you want to promote coraline growth...it greatly helps speed up the process.
I dont know much more about it, but you just scrub the rocks while they are in the tank. Leave all filters on, its not a special process.


I think probably it is the coraline spore thing. Thanks
Thanks - Glad to think about that as well.
I do sorta wonder how lr is supposed to look. Does everyone have the green/brown algae?? Or could I have a lighting/feeding thing going on?