about sand bed



i recently bought the 75 gallons tank, and we decide to put in the about 70 pounds of play sands in it. and some cc, my question 1 is will the tank cycle if we put in the shrimp(eating kind), 2 damsels and with the hang on filter(whisper)?????? another question is there anyway to get crittles in the sands (except puting in lr, ls, and detivorous kits).


Active Member
1, yes you cna use shrimp to cycle
2, it is more humane to use shrimp(eating kind) than to use fish to cycle a tank and also less of a PIA to remove them when you want to replace them
3, they only way to get the critters is to add them, wheteher via lr or ls or a detrivore kit, BUT you can often get some ls from a lfs by the pund, and only purchas a couple of punds instead of bying a bag or alot of lr


ooops i forget one more question, will the sand bed be act as a biofilter? is not live sand.


Active Member
the sand bed will act as a biofilter, once it grows bacteria, pods and detrivores will also help, but the bacterai is the key ingredient, i would reccomend using a little ls aor some lr to get some creitters started in there, you don;t need alot to seed with, the more you use, the faster everything will grow, but at least a little, maybe like 2 or 3 x 3 to 5 lb pcs., and or acup or 2 frowm an existing tank