About this site !!!!! for all newbies!!!!


New Member
I am only into this for about 3 months, and i gotta tell all you new guys, its cost $$$$$ big time, but, it is worth it, a saltwater aquarium is so beautiful compared to frestwater, just take your time, i sorta jumped right in, but, i too still have things to get, i am soon purchasing the rest of my live rock, and yet another powerhead, then my tank is setup, next will be a better light setup, slowly is the key here, and for what i have in my tank now, it looks great even now, and will be better with the additon of the rest of my rock, and some dusters and stuff, but, im taking it slow!!!!!! i have made some mistakes as well, like, i have a yellow tang in there, i know everyone says hes too big and will die, but the lfs wont take him back and hes doing great actually now, so we'll see !!! right now i have 2 pepperment damsels, 3 blue damsels, 2 tomatoe clowns, the tang, 1 cleaner shrimp, 2 snails 3 hermets and 2 cc stars in there, all of which are doing fine!!!! i wish i would have went with ls rather that cc for the substrate, but, with the addition of the cleaner crew and even now, its all ok!!! i monitor all my levels on a daily basis and add reef builder 2x a week, but, listen to these guys on here, they know there stuff!!! this hobbie is very expensive, but, with time and patience, being the key word here, you can run a successful tank for many years!!! good luck to all just starting and for all that have helped me, thank you so much!!!!!:D