About to upgrade from 14 watt fluorescent to 32 watt SmartLight PC...any suggestions

I am about to upgrade my lighting as it states in the subject and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions to make the transition the best it can be on all my inhabitants. Are things as simple as just changing out lighting or should there be some transition to prevent any shock/bacterial growth? I have the following:
percula clown
royal gramma
6 line wrasse
cleaner shrimp
sally lightfoot
blue hermit
scarlet hermit
star polyps
brown buttons
condylactus anemone
curlique anemone


Active Member
You should'nt have any problems. Just a couple og happy poylps and anemone :D <a href="http://hometown.aol.com/flmeangl44/index.html" target="_blank"> :) CLICK HERE TO SEE MY REEF :) </a>


what are you going to do with your old lights?
I need some decent lights,,, email if you want someone to take em off your hands,