? about types of pumps magnetic drive Vs. centr.

I have a few ?'s about tpyes of pumps. Is it safe to use a shaft drive pump with a reef tank. They have a few stainless steel screw on the inside, is that OK?? I only question this because evry magnetic drive pumps I looked at are almost all plastic. I was looking at an Ampmaster 3000 pump that looks like its a shaft driven pump is it??


ampmaster is centrifugal pumps. they need 1 1/2" intake and out take to get there full power. If you use 1" you lose alot of water movement and is alot of$$ for that. I belive is 3000g @4' with all 1 1/2" if you have a 1 1/2" intake then 1" output it drops to 1200gph @4 11/2" input- 1"y =1800gph. They ar very good pumps 10yr warrentey. Non pressure pumps. mag drive handles pressure better but can make some to alot of noise.
Thanks Ironreef :D
I work for a pool company and noticed a pump off of a "Hot Spring" hot tub. It's a small jet pump called a "wavemaster 3000" it looks a LOT like the Ampmaster made by Dolphin. It's a centrifugal style pump with 1 1/2" in-let and out-let. Not sure of the horse power. They are made to last with high chlorine and Ozone, and have used the same style on saltwater pools Do you think this pump will work on my tank??? I think if you do a search on "wavemaster 3000" you can see a pic.
I'm comparing it to te "Amp" (same in/out size, same looking wet-end) Any one know what the horse power rating the "Amp"is :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Well I just found out that the pump I would like to use, has a 1HP motor :eek: :eek:
Do you think this is too big for a 105g tank :rolleyes: I want it to pump from my sump to a couple of spray bars, and maybe a Seaswirl or two down the road (they cost alot) Also maybe I could also runmy Berlin skim of it too (only if the pump is close to being too big)
OK so know what do ya think


I know dolphin you can back them off to lesson power. But it you reduce the pipe to 1" or to a manifold with 1" or 1/2 " outlets you reduce alot of flow. i know a few ppl who use hayward pool pumps. wavemaster dunno. But it maybe okay if you figure out the plumbing specs.