? about Xenia


Hey guys, I've had my xenia for about two weeks now and the stalk seems to be turning white and getting a little smaller in size. It is also leaning a little forward. I am beginng to worry about it.
26g bow, 3 months old
CPR hob refugium with LS, LR, and macro
LS, 45lb LR
110w PC
pH - 8.2
Alk - high
NH3 - .25, not sure why, it tests 0 at lfs
NO2 - 0
NO3 - 2.5
PO4 - 0.1-0.2
Test kit is Marine Lab by Red Sea
Any thoughts?

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
are you doing water changes?? My experience with xenia is that dosing iodine helps. But if you are doing regular water changes there should be enough iodine already.
If you do decide to dose, id suggest buying a iodine test kit-- and make sure you dose very small amts.


Active Member
i think to be accurate you should toss those red sea test kits and get a quality test kit to start with, so you at least know what your water conditions are exactly.


Not a bad thought. Do you guys think the xenia is dying or what. It looks good except for the white stalk.


When I first introduced my xenia to my tank the stalks were very long and thin, since then they have gotten a little shorter and thicker. They dont have any white on them though so I dont know. I thought it was just a normal responce though to being introduced to a new tank.