above tank refugium



any body have pics? looking for plumbing ideas.
I have a a 15 gallon tank and was thinking of using a 201 powerhead(too much?)to get water up from my 77 gallon then a type of over lfow to get the water back,


D thats real nicec, now only if mine can look like that.LOL
1. is that a prizm skmmer?(can't tell) do i need a skimmer?
2. on the left how come there is a seperation?
3. where does the water come in and out?
4. how do you get the aquaclear to get the water are you only using the pump?
thank , i'll probably have more questions,I hope you have patience because i still am a new to saltwater( 2months ).
thank you for your help


Active Member
great looking fuge, id like to see a picture of the whole tank with the refuge.
i noticed it says you have a discus tank, what kind of discus do you have?got a pic? i didnt think anyone would put pc's on a discus tank, my dad used to breed and raise discus... until i got him into saltwater reef tanks:D