Here is my new tank. I will be setting up my first saltwater tank. It is a 55 gallon with custom stand. I will be going FOWLR to start with maybe upgrades in the future. I will post here as I build it with updates and pics.
in my opinion..the torture is wanting to put the fish in when it first goes up cuz u know it will look soo cool..but then at the same know you cant just do that..or..dum dum da dum dum da dum dum dum dum will be a massive fishy funeral..
New pics. Filled Tank last night. Here it is after 24 hours. Water was foggy for about 3 hours before it got clear. Using a magnum 350 canister filter. Water is finally upto 78 degrees and salinity is just right so gonna as livesand on top of the base sand I allready added. I have 3 non live decoration rocks in there so far. Live rock is on the way.