Acans and a cool zoa


Active Member
The colors are intense pinkish orange on a purple background, colors in pic are not true, can't seem to capture the real colors


Active Member
This is a considered to be one of the rarest Duncanopsammia axifuga colormorphs on the planet....

Don't you wish there was one that looked like that, kinda fun to play around with color filters....


Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
This is a considered to be one of the rarest Duncanopsammia axifuga colormorphs on the planet....



Active Member
I actually get better details using the crappy 18-55 lens vs the 105mm Macro.



Better color in this pic, still not true to life.


I have those same zoas. Can't wait for them to start multiplying. what'd you happen to pay for them?


Active Member
Duncanopsammia axifuga or use the common name of Duncan's sometimes you see the "Whisker Coral" They come in various shades of green, the brighter and more colorful, the more they cost per polyp.
The ORA Duncans run around $60-$80 per polyp, they have intense green coloration. The ORA's have a reputation for slow growth, but the ones I have seem to be reproducing on a steady rate, mine originally arrived to me (thanks Viper!) as a 2 polyp frag and now has 5 new polyps, I have noticed that the new polyps are growing slower than my others, maybe thats what they mean.
From what I've seen, most Duncans can grow into good sized colonies, I've got a basic colony that is just a drab, greenish tan color that is growing like crazy. Started off as a single polyp and now has 8 new polyps that are about 1" across. I'm going to leave this colony alone and not frag it
just to see how big it becomes. This basic color runs about $15-25 per polyp
I feed them everyday for a week, they are pigs and will eat anything, then I skip for a week, they seem to like this schedule, I have no idea why.
Basic Colony..........................................ORA...............................................ORA


Once again , nice pics
They just keep getting better and better!
Your duncans are awesome. I am unsure what type I have, but if I had to go from your descriptions I'd have to guess that mine are of an ORA strain as well. My duncans are so neon green it's insane, and they are very large polyps as well. The base, which still gets nice amount of light, is a very deep,neon green that has the coolest texture to it. I'll try and gets some new pics and maybe you can help me with an ID.
From your pics, I'd have to say the resemble the ones in the middle the most. The tentacles don't "balloon" out at the ends like the ones on the sides in your pic, they go to a nice "point"
Nice pics once again