acceptable stock list for a 55 gal


I have a
kole tang
2 true percs
Mandarin goby
3 peppermint shrimp
4 emerald crabs 1 died mysteriously?
mated pair of coral banded shrimp
3 astrea snails
2 turbo snails
1 haitian pink tipped anemone I think!
can i add more or am i at the maxium bio load for a 55 gallon?
30lbs lr sand etc..


Kole tang...7"
Total...17" in 55
Well I would say that is full. I would also say that the Kole Tang shouldn't be in anything smaller than an 80 gallon tank.
You could use more snails as well, I would think.
After a while you might want to get ride of the kole tang...maybe for a smaller one, but from what i've heard is that tangs need a LOT!!! of swimming room, also i have been told that the only tang you should put in a 55 is a yellow, but some people will even disegree with that...also you might want to get a few more snails if i were you


I think your tank is pretty much full now. Your tang should be fine could be in a bigger tank but it should be fine. While most people say tangs need huge tanks I say its a bit exagerated. And if any tang could do well in a tank that size its a kole. They dont need as big of tank as other species of tangs!