Drip, temp? How long?
fanker Active Member Apr 19, 2006 #2 just let the bag flote and add water to the bag like evert 10-20mins like 3 times all together like 1 hour....u still want the tank and mh? tank $40 my bro said
just let the bag flote and add water to the bag like evert 10-20mins like 3 times all together like 1 hour....u still want the tank and mh? tank $40 my bro said
misfit Active Member Apr 19, 2006 #3 I would do drip for about 2 to 3 hours.seabas are the most sensitive anemone
zanoshanox Active Member Apr 19, 2006 #6 Sweet...I got three different answers...Whatever, worked it out, thanks guys. lol
natep206 Member Apr 20, 2006 #7 no offence but dont do frakers idea it will shock the fish and anemones that is being acclimated and they will get streaaed and gain a dasease or die
no offence but dont do frakers idea it will shock the fish and anemones that is being acclimated and they will get streaaed and gain a dasease or die