Acclimating bta


Active Member
Bringing home a pair of maroon clown and a BTA. This is my first real acclimation and addition to my tank and I do not want to have any mishaps.
Q1) After acclimation, where do you place the anemone or toss him in and let him find his way?

Q2) Do you acclimate all 3 together or fish in one and BTA in another?

Q3) Lighting. Do you leave the lights off or have them on

Thanks for the help.


Active Member him were u want him if he doesnt stick let it rome free it will find its own spot
2. acllimate them diffrent i acclimate my bta for only about 30mins and my pair about and 1 1/2.
3. leave the lights on during it.


1. Temp acclimate the BTA for 20 minutes, drip for 30 min to 1 hour.
2. Acclimate separately
3. Lights off for the fish, it eases and relaxes them. However if you just transfering from one system with lights on to another then its ok to leave lights on, but it will still be less stressful with light off.


Active Member
Thanks Thomas,
They are coming from a system with lights on. But will turn off when the transfer is done.
I can see it being less stressful for them.
How long does it take for them to get settled in and not be under so much stress? Anything I can do to help?


I'd say that depends on the time of day that the accimation takes place, but lets say a couple of hours after they are in the tank then the lights can come back on. This way the new comers will find out where things are and can pick a spot before lights out.