acclimating lights


Active Member
how should i acclimate my 260 watt PC lights to my 324 watt T5 lights over my 75 gal? How many days will this take? Please tell me everything I need to know...I really dont know how to do this. Thanks!


Active Member
just decrease the photo period by a few hours on the first day, then gradually increase.
for example: say your photo period is 10 hrs with the pc lighting you have now. put the t-5s on for 5 hours on day 1. keep it on for 5 hours a day for 5 days. on day 6, bump it up to 6 hours for another 5 days. at the end of that, then bump it up to seven hours, then eight, nine and ten, or until your back to your normal photo period.


Active Member
another method used is to move the lights farther up from the aquarium and slowly drop it down to slowly increase the light strength by an inch every other dayor every third day. I would say raise your lights about 24" higher than normal then drop it an inch every other day. this will give your corals more than enough time to acclimate to the lights, I'm probably erring on the side of caution but better safe than sorry.
I reccomend the distance over the reduced day period because if you've ever had a sunburn you know that if your skin isnt ready it only takes one hour to get a good burn and light shock is one of the more common causes of bleaching in corals and tidacnids.


Active Member
yea, but its hard to lower lights on a daily basis because if the light fixture has legs than how is he gunna start at 25" high? and if its a pendant, once you crimp the wires, its hard to lower the wire after that.
either method will work, its just a matter of whats easiest for you.