acclimating my new clown fish


Active Member
how should i do it? the best way i dont want to lose him!! i will be getting one on sunday. step by step how do you all do it to prevent as much stress as possible


i just get a small piece of air hose stick one end in the tank and the other in a bucket i pour the fish in the bucket with his water then i make a syphon by sucking on one end of the hose so water will come out then i use my air hose splitter to make it just drip small drops every 1 or two seconds you can also tie a knot in it and every hour i loosen up the knot or allow more water to come in not too much though just faster drops and i usually let them drip for about 2 to 3 hours. when im done i acclimate him two the temp of my tank by hanging like a little plastic kitchen container or something on the inside of my tank and let him sit in that for about 10 to 15 minutes and then i let him go. this method has worked every time. also if they get stressed they can get disease easier so i add some stress coat made by aquarium pharmaceuticals this helps them get there slime coat back if they lost some of it getting handled with the net and relieves their stress. oh and i also put them in the tank with the lights off and just turn the light on in the room i dont know if this really helps them but i know i would want to all of a sudden go into a bright strange place.

ps: go to the home page of this website and there should be a video on how to acclimate him.