Acclimating new Anenome right now - question



My Florida Conde Anenome is here, acclimating temp in the bag it came in right now...question - where is best to place it in my tank? Will it float around? How do I have it stay put?
Thanks guys!
(Everything arrived alive from my order today - yay...they are beautfiul, that's for sure!!)


Active Member
It should foot immediately and not float around. Having said that, they dont always do what they should. Pick a place out of the way of corals, powerheads and intakes, where moderate flow and ample light are and it should be happy. However, they are capable of moving, so... there is no telling what might happen after you place it in there. Good Luck.


Active Member
Also if you have not done so already, you need to cover your intakes - powerheads - koralias or anything else that is sucking in water. Seems from my reading these creatures love to find something to suck them in, chop them up, and spit them out.


Ohhh thanks for the info !!
I didn't know about the intakes, I would be ever so saddened to wake up to a shredded anenome, that's for sure!!


make sure you keep it well fed. I kept mine well fed and while my yellow tang was grazing on some algae It stung it and ate the tang. Just saying watch it and keep it away from other corals because they move alot. Just my .02 from having 2 of them


Coastie -
It ate your tang? That must have been horrifically sad! What specifically did you feed the anenome?


Spot feeding Mysis Shrimp, silversides, filter feeding and they get most their food off the light...
Some people don't feed anemones at all just depending on the light to feed them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by cal559
Spot feeding Mysis Shrimp, silversides, filter feeding and they get most their food off the light...
Some people don't feed anemones at all just depending on the light to feed them.
I agree however with more predatious species like condy's and carpets routine spot feeding is IMO a smart idea. Hopefully it will curb the desire to look for prey.