Acclimating Shrimp and Crab into tank

What is the best way to acclimate shrimp and crab into a tank? Is it similar to fish?
Also, Do shrimp and crab have to be put into a QT tank before introducing them into a display tank?


Active Member
You can probably accumualte them just the same as fish, some people don't accumualte them but inverts are very sensitive to salinity level and water condotions. You wouldn't have to put them in the q-tank, inverts and fish can't catch diseases from one another. Like if a fish has ich then the shrimp cannot catch it.


Active Member
Here is what says about acclimating shrimps and crabs in their shipment notification email:
"Please DOUBLE the time it takes to acclimate all Shrimp in your order by introducing half the water in each step on the acclimation sheet. Shrimp are very fragile and do not like drastic changes in conditions...Occasionally an invert (shrimp in particular) may reach you appearing to be dead. This is likely NOT the case. They may be suffering from shock and should be acclimated properly. If you ordered shrimps or crabs, you may find the next morning that you see what appears to be a corpse of a shrimp or crab. It is very important if you have little experience that you understand this is a process called molting. Before jumping to conclusions that the item has died please be sure to look and count your items. It will seem to a beginner that it wouldn't be possible that the invert could leave behind such a perfect replica of itself, but it is. The shed exoskeleton will be translucent and will look exactly like that particular item died."