acclimating shrimp?


just wondering if there were any special requirments on acclimating shrimp as opposed to a fish?
i do the drip acclimation for roughly 45 minutes until the salinities match!
thanks people!


I usually just temperature acclimate my shrimp, or add in 1/2 cup of tank water to the bag once temps match and let them adjust for about 15-30 min. If you're drip acclimating in a QT tank, it's really easy to let the water temp fall. Try to keep the temp consistent so adding them to the tank isn't a shock.


I drip mine but I do the drip acclimation alot slower. I drip mine till the temps match but my drips take about 2 hours or so. Shrimp are sensitive in my opinion. But then again I drip everything about 2 hours or so. It might just be my preference but it is my opinion.


I agree with coastie, shrimp are fairly delicate and I have used slow drip acclimation with all of mine and have great success.


thank u so much, i really appreciate everybodys input, i used the drip acclimation and he seems to be doing great, i was also wondering (as i am semi new to reefing) what shrimp eat? its a cleaner shrimp, so does it just eat all of the dead decaying stuff in the tank? or would he eat the "shrimp" (haha) that i already feed my 2 clowns? thanks!


they'll eat any scraps leftover from the fish-that includes freeze dried krill and brine shrimp.-At least mine did anyways.


well my 2 cleaner shrimp, I feed them mysis 2 times a week then every other couple of days I put Prime reef flakes in my fingers and stick my hand in the tank by them and the jump on my hand and eat the flakes right out of them. That is how I feed mine. But I do not feed every day. Just my .02


Originally Posted by coastie81
well my 2 cleaner shrimp, I feed them mysis 2 times a week then every other couple of days I put Prime reef flakes in my fingers and stick my hand in the tank by them and the jump on my hand and eat the flakes right out of them. That is how I feed mine. But I do not feed every day. Just my .02
My guys loved climbing onto my hand for food.