whats the process in acclimating these 2? the same as fish? do i put each snail on the substrate individually to make sure they don't end up on their back and cant turn back over?
Is it necessary to acclimate for that long if the temp, ph, and salinity is the same in your tank as it is in the water the snail (or anything) is coming from? I keep my water the same as the fish store so technically I should not have to acclimate except for temp differences...is this correct?
Pstanley - just my guess, i'd say you still should, there are other things in the water that may be different? besides, what can it hurt to take 10-20 mins to add them? better safe then sorry. but if i'm wrong let me know
yes you stil should, since you know the ph and salinity are the same, but there are many more variables in water chemistry other than them
nitrates and nitrites in his tank can change in a day, if they have a loss, these things are too hard to monitor by guessing
i would not chance it and do things properly, besides what cna it hurt to do it the right way?
I have always just thrown my snails and crabs in with no acclimation at all. I do the same with my corals. Never lost any because of it. (6 months in hobby)