acclimation help


I am receiving these today...
1 x Orangeback Basslet - 25% off!
1 x Midas Blenny
1 x Cleaner Shrimp
1 x Bangaii Cardinal - Aquacultured
1 x Cleaner Clam
1 x Nassarius Snail - Group of 10
1 x Pink Tip Haitian Anemone - Half Price!
1 x Coral Banded Shrimp
2 x Emerald Crab
Could anyone give me acclimation times for each of these? The fish i can just go to their page and look up... but what about the crabs/clams etc....?


Active Member
you would want to acclimate the clams and crabs the same way that you would acclimate the fish...drip acclimation is the safest...IMO...


Active Member
I always acclimate for 2 hours. Its the safest method... You cant really hurt anything by acclimating to long (unless it ran out of oxygen in the water) so just go long and you wont have to worry. All inverts should be drip acclimated for 2 hours at the least, as they have the hardest time adapting to salinity, pH, and temp changes.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
make sure you cover your container you are dripping into if its shallow or you may find your fish on the floor