Acclimation question-newbie


New Member
I am adding my first corals, sponges, plants etc.. today. Do I acclimate them the same way as my fish that I added. Someone please let me know soon because they are arriving this morning.


Active Member
The best way to do it is slowly. Let them float for 15 minuets and then slowly add your tank water to the bag aver an hour so they can get used to your water.


Active Member
Pretty much yes it is the same procedure except for the sponges.
Sponges can be fatally harmed if exposed to air. They must be submerged in water at all times. When adding a sponge to the tank take caution not to expose it to air.


also be careful nmot to add to manythings at once. sure it is great to have all kinds of new stuff "appear" but slow it down. Sponges are really hard to keep alive in a new setup, also when te die they may, kill off stuff in your tank. my LFS have a sponge dieoff and it killed a large percentage of the stock that they had in the tank with the sponge. (I do have sponges bTW) so i think they are cool, but wait until you have a mature aquarium