Acclimation time for snail?


Active Member
1 hr or more
it is more important that the salt levels be the same or it's like throwing salt onto a slug..


Active Member
I just throw them in, used to drip acclimate, got lazy and started cup acclimating but the bag tipped over in the tank after five minutes so I threw them in, every one made it so that's what I've done for my last couple orders of snails and hermits too. Salt levels always same or very close to what they were in though, if it was madly off you need to acclimate longer.


Inverts take time to slowly die. If your inverts (snails etc.) are lasting a month or so then you need to find out why. They need to be drip acclimated for a few hours. Check your SG, it should be 1.025 or 1.026 for inverts of any kind.


Not enough time. They need at least 3hrs of drip acclimation. Please understand that they take time to die from acclimation shock. Some may make it past a month or two, but why take the chance?
here one way i use leave the bag in the water for 20 min. for the fish etc. to get use to water temp. then place the in a buchet were they can swim and get a cup and every 10 min. put your tank water in do this about five times with fish maybe not so much with your snail and with some very difficult fish do it again another five times after you leave just enough water left for the fish to swim again and dump the other water in the sink.
also dont dump the acclimation water back in your tank.
and goodd luck


PLEASE EVERYONE, read the drip acclimation procedure off to the left on the SWF board. There is a big yellow flash next to it. You may not think that this is important, but it is crucial. Especialy when talking about inverts.