
fish n ont

New Member
I think you may be on to something, the lfs says that I should simply let the bag float for 1/2 hour and all will be fine. Like I mentioned previously the problem with the fish seemed to be immediate, no eating...right away swimming 45degree facing up. Second clown still alive, swimming on top. Can I save him if this is in fact my problem? How? Also how should I be acclimating my fish in the future.
Tang is doing great, eating, swimming....


Active Member
Open the bags which the animals were shipped in, and add these to an clean, empty styrofoam container.
Set-up a slow drip (approximately 2 drops per second) from your aquarium to the styrofoam container. Let this drip for one hour.
Remove half of the water from the styrofoam container and increase drip rate to a "slow trickle" for one half of an hour.
Do not add the waste water to your aquarium!
Remove half of the water from the styrofoam container and increase drip rate to a "fast trickle" for one half of an hour.
Do not add the waste water to your aquarium!
Remove your fish or invertebrate from the container and add to your aquarium.
Dispose of the waste water.
Leave your aquarium lights off for at least 12 hours. This will allow your new arrival time to adjust to it's new home, and will help reduce harassment from your existing animals.
Note: For more sensitive animals (nudibranchs, cucumbers, echinoderms), increase the acclimation procedure accordingly. Remember, the longer the better!