

Active Member
On Friday I am planning on puchasing either a Royal Gramma or a Lawnmower Blenny. My question is, do these fish have to be drip acclimated, or can they be acclimated by floating the store bag and adding a 1/4 cup of water every 15 minutes for 2 hours?
I'm simply curious. I don't mind drip acclimating, and will drip them reguardless or what responces are here.


Active Member
The type of fish doesnt' particularly matter what type of acclimation you do. Both of those methods have a similar end result if done for more than an hour. I do about a shot glass or turkey baster full every 15 minutes usually, probably a bit less than a 1/4 cup.


Active Member
Okay, maybe 1/8 cup every 15 minutes.
So it's okay to acclimate fish in this manner?
Of course, I'd never use anything but drip acclimation for inverts.


Active Member
I've never had a problem floating a bag with the livestock I've got. I do it over an hour or two and add a cup ever 20-30 minutes. Drip is probably best but I hate drip acclimating and never had problems floating.


Active Member
I think I'll just float this next fish.
I'll still drip more delicate stuff though, don't want to risk it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by yannifish
I think I'll just float this next fish.
I'll still drip more delicate stuff though, don't want to risk it.
You should just drip everything. It's not like it's hard or a pain to do.


Active Member
what's your current method of mixing? I only have small tanks so I use a 5 gallon bucket with a power head inside.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by SocalNano24
The type of fish doesnt' particularly matter what type of acclimation you do. Both of those methods have a similar end result if done for more than an hour. I do about a shot glass or turkey baster full every 15 minutes usually, probably a bit less than a 1/4 cup.

+1 This is what I do, I also remove the old first, wth a turkey bater and replace that amount with new tank water, even inverts.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by jackri
I've never had a problem floating a bag with the livestock I've got. I do it over an hour or two and add a cup ever 20-30 minutes. Drip is probably best but I hate drip acclimating and never had problems floating.

+1 I only find one problem with floating, you have to be sure the bag stays afloat and not tip over and allow too much water in at once, I had one bag completely sink on me.
So now if it is a big bag that’s heavy, just in case, I often put the water and critter in a container, and just remove some water and add the new with the turkey baster that way.
The whole point is to take your time and let the new critter get used to the saltwater in your tank and not be shocked by the difference.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Speg
what's your current method of mixing? I only have small tanks so I use a 5 gallon bucket with a power head inside.
I use 5g buckets, but my problem is keeping the temperature steady while mixing.
I like to age the water 24 hours before use, normally useing the heater from the qt, but right now the qt is set up, so I'm stuck. I'll just float and add water for a couple hours, that worked fine with my clowns.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower

+1 I only find one problem with floating, you have to be sure the bag stays afloat and not tip over and allow too much water in at once, I had one bag completely sink on me.
So now if it is a big bag that’s heavy, just in case, I often put the water and critter in a container, and just remove some water and add the new with the turkey baster that way.
The whole point is to take your time and let the new critter get used to the saltwater in your tank and not be shocked by the difference.
I'll create an air pocket by folding the endge of the bag over.
So do you remove as much water as possible from the store bag?
I don't think it matters too much is some store water mixes withe the tank water, as it is a qt.
You don't drip inverts?