

Active Member
Well This is what I do. I put the bag in my tank and float it for 15-20 min. Then open it up and add some of the tank water to the bag. I use a shot glass or something similar sized. After you add the water let it sit for 5 more min. Repeat this process over and over again until you have doubled the amount of water in the bag. Then dump half of it out and do it again. Then you can put the fish in your tank.


i put the bag in the tank with lights out and let the bag float for 10 mins...then i put some water from the tank in it, like a small cup. then i wait10 more mins and then it's ready


depends on the fish with me. My sailfin tang i acclimated for about 2 hours. I poured the water out the bag into a bowl, then i add a little tank water into the bowl every 15 minutes. Then after everything is ready i take some RO/DI water and get it the same temp as the tank water and i do a freshwater dip. I let the fish sit in thier for about 10 minutes and then into the QT tank. My damsels I only acclimated for about 45 minutes. But everything else was the same.


I put all fish/inverts into a container and use a small tubing with a flow restrictor to slowly drip the fish. I set it at about 2-4 drips per second and let that container overflow into a container that has a heater to maintain temp in a water bath. I started this procedure after losing a shrimp due to acclimating him by adding small amounts of water to the bag at a time. Well, that's what I attributed it to, as nothing else seemed to be going on that could have caused it.