achilles tang


I just bought a achilles tang. I have plenty of hiding spots for him and excellent water cond. I was womdering if there ant special sonditions for him


this tang is not hardy tang,it is more like one of the hardest tangs to take care of. It needs a large tank and perfect water conditions and if u dont have a protien skimmer already, i would get one.


i have a cpr back pack2 in a 50g. I am feed it brine shrimp and i also bought. a cloths pin that I put green algae on. I have a madrin goby, 2 percula clown fish and two small blue w/ yellow tail damsels. and some soft coral, polps and mushroom


New Member
Does your achilles tang have good color? Is the belly fat or pinched and faded? A pinched belly and faded colors are a sign the fish isn't thriving. I've heard that one reason that achilles tangs do poorly in aquariums is becasue of nutritional deficiencies. Try and get live red macroalgae to feed it if you can. If your LFS doesn't have any, there are a few suppliers on the internet. It would also do better in a larger tank. Good water quality is a must.