achilles tang



does anyone have a achilles tang, and if so are they hard to keep


I had an achilles tang but it must have been a superior specimen. At the time I had him I never knew anything about what I was doing and he lived in very poor condiditons for a long time with no problems. Eventually he did die due to my ignorance (I was in high school, sue me )but he did very well for a long time considering.


i agree thats WAY too early to add anything but damsels or cycle the tank with raw shrimp. I think that you just were better off just giving the money away ....but thats just my 2 cents worth


I used some material from other tanks to help my cycle out and it seemed to have worked because all is well. Eveything is doing great and we are through the cycle. I know I may have pushed it but maybe I lucked out.


Active Member
There's a great thread under reefs called OT Avitars that describes the process very well.
Good Luck!


thanx for not answering my question guys and just paying attention to what he had to say about his mistake


I object to that being called a mistake;) It was more experimenting than a mistake. Though it may not have been the way you would do things, I did research on what was hardy enough to take cycling and played around the edges. Be it dumb luck or not it seems to have proven me out. BTW many people feel that many clowns, which are related to damsels by the way, are hardy enough to cycle a tank. :p I still think the Achilles would be OK if you have decent conditions for it.


iechy, it is very difficult to challenge your success, but you seem to have lucked out...
achilles need pristine water quality, lots of swimming room, little to no competition (ie tangs), established tank, and they generally do not survive even if these conditions are met... consider yourself lucky because I dont know a singe person who has successfully kept one for more than a few weeks. I would DEFINITELY reccommend NOT getting one... very expensive as well...
Drew :)


You are right about the Achilles Drew I'm sure it was luck since I really had no clue then.I know a good bit more now I hope mostly due to having been lurking around this board. I've read alot of books but they are not as good as the experiences of so many good aquarists. Knowing what I know now I wouldn't get another for my tank as it is too small.

a&m aggie 04'

Active Member
as for cycling your tank, i too guess i had luck. After over a week i do not have any trace of ammonia or nitrite. Nitrates very low and PH about right. I added 25 lbs of uncured rock that didnt affect the ammonia. Right now i have 10 hermits, 5 Turbo Snails, 3 peppermint shrimp, 1 blue damsel, 1 bicolor cromis'. Everything is doing fine and i continue to check my water with continued success. I guess there are just some tanks that cycle better than others!!!!