Just bought a 4.5" achilles tang last night, acclimated using drip method. Fish was in awesome shape, no spots, active, eating like a pig.
Anyway, today he has little white spots on his body. Appears to be ich. Eats well. Is it normal for a tang to get ich immediately after acclimation?
I'm thinking of treating with copper. Anyone have any other suggestions?
Also, is there a different place to buy garlic concentrate, other than LFS? That stuff is expensive there. Thanks.
Anyway, today he has little white spots on his body. Appears to be ich. Eats well. Is it normal for a tang to get ich immediately after acclimation?
I'm thinking of treating with copper. Anyone have any other suggestions?
Also, is there a different place to buy garlic concentrate, other than LFS? That stuff is expensive there. Thanks.