aclamating a coral?



I just want to make sure im doing this right but do you aclamate corals? i have heard that you should or that you dont need to, but post me back even if you are not sure. Thanks. :)
I only have 5 of them,and i always have,not as
long as the fish 1/2 cup of my water every 10
min. for 1/2 hour,and so far i've had good


Active Member
Yes you should acclimate your corals. I prefer the drip method. Just get some air tubing and get a bowl or whateve,r of your tank water. Tie the tubing into a knot at one end and get the drip going at about one drip a second. This will acclimate them slowly as not to cause temp of pH shock.


Thanks. i heard from my lfo that you did not need to aclamate them. maby thats why my new leather is acting wierd.


you should always acclimate any ting you put in your tank, the drip mettod is a good way of doing it and if you're going to aclimate them in your tank make shure to turn off any lights that produce alot of heat, you don't want to burn your corals. if you don't aclimate you coral you can shock them and get them stress that will lead you to a seek coral that will them get some tipe of deseace or bleach out. you have to keep in mind that corals have real soft and tin skin that fast temperature changes can damage them.

kris walker

Active Member
Hi everyone,
I recommend acclimation all the time, but not as long and precise as the drip method. For me, that is too much of a headache given my setup (plus I have a cat, which means I have hair everywhere outside the tank). Anyway, even if I didn't have the cat, I still wouldn't "do the drip". I don't think the added benefit is worth the extra time.
What I do is take out about 1/2 to 3/4 of the water in the bag. Dispose of this water. Then using a turkey baster, every 3 minutes, slowly squirt a full tube of tank water into the bag until you've replaced all that water you took out the first time. Then do the same thing over again only removing 1/2 of the water this time. Usually takes 10-15 minutes. When you are finished squirting water, dump the coral into the tank with the bag water.
NOTE: if it is a new lfs, I always check the water parameters, especially the pH and phosphate. If the pH is way different from mine, then I modify the above procedure so that it is more gradual. If the phosphate is way high, I don't dump the water in the tank with the coral at the end.


Active Member
I never drip acclimate either. I usually poor most the water out and then float the bag in my tank. I'll take less than a half cup of my water and poor it in every 5min or so. I do it over the coarse of about 15 to 20min and then remove the coral from the bag and place him in my tank.