Aclimating metods


Hi, this is probably a dumb question, but what is some aclimating methods. I usually just float the bag for 15 minutes and then put water in the tank into the bag then wait 15 minutes, then release. I've red on some other threads and they say they "dip" the fish, what is this. Thanks


Not dip...drip. That is where you put the fish in a container, take an airline, start a syphon from your main tank to the container, tie a knot in the airline so that the stream is now a drip and depending on the creature depends on the length of time you drip. There is a much more detailed description somewhere in here . HTH
The purpse is so that you are adjusting more than just the temp slowly to reduce stress on your critters. You wanna acclimate them to your temp and ph and salinity etc... But remember to not add the water from the container, to your tank if it is fish, ie, you don't wanna put LFS's water in your tanks!! They sometimes run copper, a "medication" that wil kill your inverts. :)


I always follow the acclimation advise from this site regardless of where I bought. Have had great success so far.


Active Member
I agree. Use the drip method. I know of a few people who ONLY acclimate that way and have great success.


Active Member
Thats the way I do it "except snails" and nothing has died due to acclimation so far.


There is such thing as a "DIP" method. Thats when you take the fish and dip it in freshwater for like 5 minutes to kill of any parasites before you put it in your tank. I have never done this, just heard of it.
I recommend using the "DRIP" acclimation procedure on the left blue bar of this site. It has always worked for me!!!


Active Member
The dip method is actually called Hypo Salanity and it is used for kaotik said to kill saltwater parasites. It is "NOT" a way to acclimate fish. The drip method IMO is the only way to acclimate saltwater anything becuase there is just to mutch money involved to risk killing the animal.


Active Member
True, but in the other poster's defense many sites/references include the "dip" as standard procedure. Do they skip the rest of the process, just formulate the dip water to the same pH and temp as tank? From bag to "dip" to tank (either QT or display)??


Active Member
I definitely agree with using the drip method. I acclimated my little clowns that way for 3+ hours, and they are happy little campers and were really out and about in the tank within a short period of time, as if they'd been there all the while. :happy:
When I first read the thread regarding the drip method I was a little confused, but it's really very easy to do, and very beneficial to your critters.
Lisa :happyfish


If I may add my "newbie" two cents, there is no way I will NOT use the drip method to acclimate any and all future fish. Unfortunately, I had to learn this lesson the hard, fast and incredibly sad way. I agree that the acclimation instructions on this site appear confusing at first ...
... but after careful study, it's really not rocket science. Better safe than sorry!
Be well.