acllimating corals is water in bag safe


when acllimating corals is it safe to put the water from the bag into your tank sense corals dont put off ammonia or do they?sorry about the spelling <img src="graemlins//confused2.gif" border="0" alt="[confused2]" />


Whether the water is from recently purchased corals, inverts or fish it is not recommended to mix the water into your tank. When I receive new corals I acclimate them to my water and grab the bottom of the coral to place directly into my tank. Sponges are a bit trickier to handle since they need to be submerged under water at all times.

finger leather

Originally posted by @:
<strong> corals dont put off ammonia or do they? </strong><hr></blockquote>
No. Corals will not put in ammonia. You shouldnt get the water from the LFS in your tank. It might have copper, ammonia, or somthing else not good for the tank. I know sometimes they will have copper in there tank to get rid of, lets say ick/ich. If that gets in to your tank, your in trouble.Now, for sponges, you must mix the water. They should never touch air. Just, when adding a sponge, try to get as little water in the tank.

See, even 12 year-old are well educated in this hobby! :D
It's the water from an unkonwn source that you don't want in your tank.
Since it has been brought up...exactly how do you get sponges from the store bag into your tank?


Hey finger leather why should sponges not touch air what would happen?Do you think the fs puts copper in there coral tanks?That really is cruel of them.Why can't you tell us where you are from?I'm from Miami.I have heard that sponges are hard to take care of.My friend had a three foot one.

finger leather

Originally posted by Heavenly Damsel:
<strong>exactly how do you get sponges from the store bag into your tank?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Well, it is really tricky. Just put the bag of the LFS's water in the tank(SHUDDER!) A little wont really hurt. But what I did w/ my ball sponge is check the perims of the LFS water. If it is OK, then i will put a small amount into the tank. If it isnt Ok, slowley aclamate to your water. What i mean is:
take a bucket and put the sponge w/ water in it. Then slowely take out some water of the LFS, and replace it w/ water from the tank.Oh, and The sponges shouldnt touch water becuase i think ti will clog the pours in the sponge and cuase it to not feed the...R.I.P.! And you never know what the LFS put in there water.For me, sponges are easy. I have a ball sponge(blue) and so far it's lived for about 4 months now. They really need the right enviroment. And i cant tell you where I live. If you havent noticed, Im only 12. My mom and dad really dont want me to reveal where i am from. You get it...right? And Did he really have a 3 foot longe sponge! WOW! MY ball sponge is about the size a a silver dollar!

kris walker

Active Member
Hi ya,
I usually try to minimize water transfer from other tanks to mine, but then after more thinking about it, I don't see what the big deal is unless there are major contaminants in the bag water (like phosphate, which is hard to remove from water and prone to give algae problems). Anyway, I would think adding water to your tank from another tank would increase the biodiversity of plankton in the water, which would help corals. I guess though if you have fish, you could be introducing parasites/bacteria, which is bad.
As for the ammonia, that is a tricky one. I don't know the answer, but I can say I put a med-sized tree leather in a small specimen container once that had several strands of macroalgae in it and it melted away in 5 days (I was away, and a clueless person was taking care of my tank). IMO, the leather produced a significant level of ammonia (granted small, but over a few days, it was enough to kill it). To be safe, I would say leathers do produce ammonia. It's safer working knowledge.


You shouldnt get the water from the LFS in your tank. It might have copper, ammonia, or somthing else not good for the tank. I know sometimes they will have copper in there tank to get rid of, lets say ick/ich. If that gets in to your tank, your in trouble<hr></blockquote>
finger leather: if the water had copper in it, wouldn't the coral be dead anyway????


I wouldn't mix the water if the corals you bought had fish in it. The lfs that I go to have seperate tanks for corals and fish. I won't use the water in their fish tank, but I will mix the water from the coral tanks. I figure if there are copper or any other contaminants then the corals would have died already right? I wouldn't mix the water from mail orders though.


Water from the coral bag can still have parasites or bacteria in it. Couldn't ich be transfered to your excisting system by transfering water. When ordering online who's to say that the corals and fish don't share the same water system. Many of the lfs employ this method with maybe one seperate quarentine tank.